Ten Easy Ways to Make a Pre-Planned Trip to US

1. Make sure your passport is valid: your passport is good before the expiration date; however, most countries require the passport to be valid for six months after entering the country. If your passport is about to expire, please help yourself and renew at least 3 months prior to your international trip.

2. Check if you need a visa: Not every country needs a visa, but there are some. Before traveling, you will want to take good care of this. Check out the U.S. Department of State's website to see if you need a visa to go to the country you want to visit.

3. Copy everything: Make sure your family and friends know you are traveling abroad and copy them. Copy passports, visas and other important documents separately. Stay with you in a different place than the original.

4. Tell your bank: Contact your bank to let them know exactly where and when you travel. If you have a chip credit card, make sure you know the PIN number to authorize the transaction!

5. Get International Travel Insurance: You never know when you will get sick or injured, it is highly recommended to have international travel insurance! Look at your policies and make sure you're covered where you travel. If you are not, take international coverage from another supplier.

6. Consider your phone plan: Most phone plans do not include international data or calls. Please note what is covered by your plan because international data charges are not cheap. It is up to you to decide whether or not to get an international plan. If not, be sure to turn off the data before traveling!

7. Packaging a small medical bag: form a small bag, placed in a carry-on bag, used to place bandages, painkillers, napkins and other necessities. If you are traveling on prescription, keep it in its original container.

8. Packaging: You will be responsible for moving your luggage. Try your best to pack the light; handbags and personal bags are great lightweight packaging options.

9. Study where you are going: Learn the country you are going to visit. Learn about their cultural differences and language foundation to help make your trip a success. Study Cultural Differences: For example, do they bow their heads to say hello? Will they kiss and say goodbye on every cheek? Understanding common greetings can make locals more enjoyable! Now you know culture, understand language. Basically you can get in almost any country, "hello", "goodbye", "where's the bathroom" and is well known by the phrase. Even though the question is, "Do you speak English?", 
Most locals would be grateful if you asked questions in their own language.

10. Do not plan every minute: Look at the attractions you want to visit, understand the location and time, but leave some free time. You never know when there will be a place where the festivals happen where you want to explore. Have a free day, let you experience the accident!
